Live Succulent and Cactus Terrarium Necklace Plants
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Sedum burrito, also known as Donkey Tail:

Family: Crassulaceae (krass-yoo-LAY-see-ee) (Info)

Genus: Sedum (SEE-dum) (Info)
Species: burrito (bur-REE-toh) (Info)

Cactus and Succulents

6-12 in. (15-30 cm)

24-36 in. (60-90 cm)
36-48 in. (90-120 cm)

USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)

Sun Exposure:
Sun to Partial Shade
Light Shade
Partial to Full Shade

Bloom Color:

Bloom Time:
Late Spring/Early Summer
Mid Summer
Late Summer/Early Fall

Grown for foliage

Other details:
Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping

Patent Information:

Propagation Methods:
From leaf cuttings
From herbaceous stem cuttings

-Original source-


Sedum burrito, also known as Donkey Tail:

Our donkey tail plant seems to be shriveling up and dying.

I don't know where you live so I’ll give you some general tips. If you live somewhere that is fairly warm outside and it doesn't freeze, get the plant outside in bright light or filtered sunshine. If you have a good bright window that doesn't get direct sun, this is good location. You may be over-watering as well. When you water, water thoroughly and don't do it again until the pot is fairly dry, say down about an inch into the soil - poke your finger in. Don't worry about fertilizer at this point, it could only complicate matters. I think just more light and closer attention to the watering may do the trick.

Can I grow my Donkey Tail under a grow light?

Growing inside under a grow light can work, but it needs to be on at least 14 hours a day, and should be no higher away from the plant than 12 - 14 inches.

My donkey tail doesn’t seem to be growing!

Patience is part of it; they are fairly slow growers. This time of year they are also fairly dormant, and don't really start growing until spring and summer. I would suggest, if it is possible, to grow it as an outdoor plant for most of the year, and bring it in before your first cold weather hits in the fall. If it is outside in filtered light or bright indirect light from spring to early fall it will do a lot more growing than if it were in the house. You can also give it a dose of half strength house plant fertilizer starting in spring when things warm up, and do this once a month until early fall. I think you will notice a difference.

My donkey tail’s color seems to be fading, and the beads are falling off!

There always seem to be more problems with any plant that is kept as a houseplant. I don't know where you live, but if you are in a place that doesn't get frost then it will do better outside on a covered patio. If not, it sounds to me like it may be dropping some of the beads because it is too dry in the house. When you water, make sure that the whole soil mass gets thoroughly soaked; let it drain out and don't water again until the soil is dry down about an inch (just use the old poke your finger in the pot method). It should get as much bright light as possible and it doesn't like direct sun. Even when perfectly cared for, it will still drop some beads from time to time.

What is the best way to propagate donkey tail?

It is fairly easy. Strip off some of the lower "beans" to expose an inch or so of the stem. Leave this to dry someplace cool like in the garage, basement or any room of the house actually, for about 7-10 days. Pot it up in a good loose draining soil mix (commercial cactus and succulent potting mixes are available in most garden centers) and give it a good drink. Don't water again until the soil is almost dry. Save the "beans" too. If you leave those to sit around on like a paper plate, in a few weeks they will start to sprout roots; then pot them up!

-Original source-

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