Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) (Info)
Genus: Senecio (sen-NEESH-shee-oh) (Info)
Species: rowleyanus (ro-lee-AH-nus) (Info)
Cactus and Succulents
under 6 in. (15 cm)
Sun Exposure:
Light Shade
All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested
Bloom Color:
White/Near White
Bloom Time:
Mid Fall
Late Fall/Early Winter
Mid Winter
Grown for foliage
Other details:
Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping
Patent Information:
Propagation Methods:
From herbaceous stem cuttings
Seed Collecting:
Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds
Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds
String of Pearls plant looks just as it sounds, with round, succulent leaves carried down long, slender stems. They look more like peas than pearls, but this succulent is definitely a gem.
Pot your String of Pearls succulent plant in a hanging basket to show off its trailing strands of bead-like leaves.
Despite its delicate appearance, this unusual succulent house plant is a vigorous grower, quickly creeping across the surface of the pot, then cascading down the side.
Its trailing stems can reach 2-3 ft (60-90 cm). If long stems become straggly, you can cut them off. Poke healthy stem tip cuttings back into the soil to create a full, lush plant. (See propagation tips below.)
Make it bloom. Give your String of Pearls plant a cool (55-60°F/13-16°C) rest in winter. Cut back on watering during the winter months, but don't allow the potting mix to dry out completely.
These cool, dry conditions may promote blooming in spring. And, the flowers are spectacular -- clusters of small, white trumpet-shaped flowers studded with colorful stamens.
Watering tips: Keep your String of Pearls plant lightly moist during the growing season (spring through fall). Beads that look flat are a sign that the plant is too dry. Give it a good drink, but take care not to over-water.
Repot in spring when this succulent outgrows its pot. Use a pot with a drainage hole and a fast-draining, sandy mix to prevent root rot.
With good care, a String of Pearls house plant will live for several years. It may become straggly over time, so it's a good idea to propagate it every few years. You'll enjoy a succession of these beautiful succulents.
Origin: Southwest Africa
Height: Trails 2-3 ft (60-90 cm)
Light: Bright light with some direct sun
Water: Water thoroughly, then allow to dry out slightly between waterings. This plant will not tolerate soggy soil. Cut back on water in winter, watering just enough to prevent the soil from drying out.
Humidity: Average to dry room humidity.
Temperature: Warm spring through fall (70-80°F/21-27°C). In winter, cool (55-60°F/13-16°C).
Soil: Cactus potting mix. If you want to mix your own, use 3 parts good quality potting soil and 1 part sharp sand.
Fertilizer: Feed once a month spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.
Propagation: Take 4 in (10 cm) stem tip cuttings in spring or summer and insert them in moist potting medium. Press them into the potting mix until the leaves are almost covered. Keep the medium lightly moist. They will root quickly from the axils where the leaves are attached to the stem.
-Original source-
Individual pearls (or leaves) dropped from my pearl plant into the soil of another plant potted below it and consequently the individual pearls rooted and have since sprouted long tubular leaves that have begun to flatten out towards the base of the tube ( the original pearl leaf) No sign of more “pearls” though. Could this be a hybrid? Thank you.
can you give me link to some pics of the pods and seedheads? also can I propagate by planting some of the pearls